Tuesday, August 10, 2004

New Arrivals!

After 5 days of being the only Americans--so far as we knew--in all of Egypt, we have had the pleasure of meeting two new arrivals: Pamela and Kyle. (Who did not know each other before today.) Pamela got in last night and called us this afternoon. We immediately invited her up (she has moved into our old apartment) and the three of us chatted for several hours. She is from Kansas, taught for 3 years in Columbia (!), and would like to start a Christian school in Azerbaijan (!!!), which she recently visited for two weeks. Later on we were joined by Kyle, who is a strapping twenty-three year old from Minneapolis. (Where Faith and I lived for five years and where we still have many friends.) We have had a very nice time together comparing travel notes and are already planning an expedition soon--maybe tomorrow and maybe to the Giza pyramids. (The really big ones you see in all the photos.) It is nice to be around fellow Americans again, not that we were experiencing culture shock or anything, but now we feel a bit less isolated and a bit more supported. We have very positive feelings toward the Egyptian people connected to our school, but we see them rarely. Now we have two new friends in the exact same position as we in the exact same building. Should be fun.