Monday, March 07, 2005

Attack of the Killer Kid-Shoes

I really need to go through Faith’s e-mails and find more of these. The things that happen with her kids are so funny. Here’s one story to whet your appetite:

FAITH: So, I came up with this great idea (so I thought) for the senses. Last week we worked on smell. So, I had items for the kids to smell. Perfume, air spray, and I thought it would be funny to have each child take off their own shoe and smell it. They loved it. But, then, one of the children, Tamer, decided to bring his shoe up to me to smell. So I did. Well, you know how kids are. If one child gets to do it, everybody else wants to too. Well, at that point, you would have thought I was cattle feed poured into a trough and they were all hungry cattle because they all at once proceeded to stampede me and shove their tiny little shoes in my face, waving their small but determined hands back and forth. I could not see beyond an inch from my nose and I thought in order to get them to clear out I would have to smell each and every one. So I started to and then realized that they weren't going away. They were all yelling franticly, "SMELL MINE, SMELL MINE!!!" And slowly I was being crushed by the masses, with tiny shoes bobbing back and forth almost taking out my eyes. I could barely see past the little arms and lethal weapons to notice that one of the dada's had entered at her own risk THANK GOD!!! and was able to take the attention away from me to her. Slowly, the mass started to exit back into single children in their pursuit of finding their desk. A few strayed behind to have me turn their lethal weapons back into transportation devices.

What an adventure!


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